
The senior nurse is Lead Nurse Helena Richmond. Telephone 0141 201 2343

The National Spinal Injuries Unit will admit newly-injured spinal patients as soon as it is safe to do so. Around 50% of new patients are admitted within 48 hours of injury. Complications can develop even within this short time and we encourage nurses and doctors to seek advice on looking after such patients in the local hospital.  The main issues are skin, bowel and bladder care.

Nurses at the National Spinal Injuries are delighted to give telephone advice on nursing  new patients. The acute ward, Edenhall, can be contacted on 0141 201 2534 or 2533.

Serious paralysis affects every body system. We have published the booklet Living with a Spinal Cord Injury to inform patients, relatives, carers and health professionals about the problems and some of the solutions.